# Makefile for a sample Opus 5 module
# This is based on the structure of the real Opus makefile, but may be
# adapted as you see fit

# Declare some variables, so we must not change multiple lines
# Object files for this module

EXAMPLEOBJS   =  modinit.o ModuleEntry.o ExampleRequest.o Window.o HiddenCommand.o buildinstrings.o

# You should always have the modinit.o on the first place. After this
# there should be your file with the L_ModuleEntry() function. All other
# may follow like you want...

# Library-Name/-Version/-Revision
# use only lowercase for the name of the module

MODULENAME    = example.module

# Compiler options
CCOPTS =  noversion optimize

# Linker options
SLINKOPTS = noicons smallcode smalldata


# If you have "ALL" in the tooltypes of your "Build" icon, this objects
# will be created...

ALL: includes/buildin.strings $(MODULENAME)


# Note to the line starting with "lib" :
# The last entry is an object library created by Dirk Stoecker. This
# does supply some replacements for the string.h and some other stuff
# (in conclusion with sdi_std.h)
# This results in smaller code. It is your choice ...
# If you don't want use it, delete "lib:sdi_std.lib", but you must
# include instead the "string.h" (if you need their functions).

# Do not modify other stuff here !!!

$(MODULENAME): $(EXAMPLEOBJS) smakefile scoptions
               slink with <<
libprefix _L_
libfd modules.fd
from lib:libent.o lib:libinit.o $(EXAMPLEOBJS)
to $@
lib lib:sc.lib lib:amiga.lib lib:dopuslib.lib /sc/lib/sdi_std.lib
libversion $(EXAMPLEVER)
librevision $(EXAMPLEREV)


# This will create the string file

buildinstrings.o : includes/buildin.strings
                   setdate buildinstrings.c
                   sc buildinstrings.c

ModuleEntry.o: ModuleEntry.c includes/Project.h


ExampleRequest.o: ExampleRequest.c includes/ExampleRequest.h includes/Project.h includes/buildin.strings


Window.o: Window.c includes/Window.h includes/Project.h includes/buildin.strings


HiddenCommand.o: HiddenCommand.c includes/Project.h includes/buildin.strings


modinit.o: modinit.c


# Build what from what and how...

             sc $(CCOPTS) $*.c
             sc:c/asm -iASMINC: $*.asm
             catcomp descriptor=$*.cd cfile=$*.strings


# Done only if the tooltype CLEAN is supplied ...

         delete ~(\#?_strings).o quiet
         copy *.module DOpus5:modules
         setdate \#?.cd


# My choice :-) (, but first "ALL" )

        copy *.module DOpus5:modules
        wait 5
        avail flush
